Systems Concept HUBER ThermWin

sewer sewage outflow screen basket RoK 4 vertical ROTAMAT® Pumping Stations Screen RoK 4 screened wastewater compact wastewater heat exchanger RoWin heat pump (+ heat storage tank) heating water connection to consumers cooled sewage return screenings and sewage return into sewer

The Systems Concept

1 sewer   6 compact HUBER Heat Exchanger RoWin
2 sewage outflow   7 heat pump + heat storage tank
3 ROTAMAT® Pumping Stations Screen RoK 4   8 heating water connection to consumers
4 screen basket RoK 4 9 cooled sewage return
5 screened wastewater 10 screenings and sewage return into sewer
3 RoK4


HUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT® RoK4

Automatically cleaned fine screen with vertical lifting, dewatering and compaction of screenings ind a compact unit, easy to fit into confined spaces.

Prevents clogging and tressing in the pumping station.

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6 Waermetauscher


HUBER Heat Exchanger RoWin

Space-saving heat exchanger for reliable heat transfer from wastewater to clear water.

The exchanger acts as connector between sewer and heat pump.

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